Messy Endings are My Favorite

I Finished My Second ¨Neat¨ Ending in a Row and Did not like it. 

I used to think I liked books and movies the most when everything worked out neatly in the end.  

However, I think I am changing my mind about the type of ending I enjoy the most. 

True, there is something satisfying about an ending that gives closure. but there is also something satisfying about an ending that leaves you asking questions, making deep connections and wondering what happened. A messy ending is more than enough.

I like it when books and movies have layers. It can get messy when you start pealing back a number of layers. Learning and thinking are messy. And, there is something attractive about the messy beginning, middle and end. 

Messy endings don´t always make sense, but on some level, they feel more realistc. 


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