The Night Before the SAT

 A Letter To My Students

Good evening:

Tomorrow you will take the SAT. Before you begin you need to know that you are amazing with or without your test score! It's a fantastic opportunity to show what you know, but never let a number limit what you want to do. Always remember to do your best, because you are smarter than you think.

Be stubborn about your goals, but flexible about your methods. There are so many ways to achieve your dreams!! Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream- protect it. Find a way to make it happen. If you are eyeing a job or a school- it's possible. If the SAT is not your thing, find something that is and crush that! There are a lot of things you can submit in place of it. 

This year, my 11th grade classes are more advanced and seem capable of more than I thought possible. I am truly excited about this! Never for a second allow your worth to be determined by your performance on one day. You are better than that and deserve what the world has to offer. Try your best, because you ever know what the outcome might be! 

However, many schools take a super score which means if you take the test again by registering  through the college board, many schools allow you to submit the best of scores from all of the tests you take! There is nothing to lose and everything to gain! 

If you are interested in extra resources or preparation for future tests let me know. I will make sure you are ready! Build your impossible. Never for a second think you can't do something unbelievable! Your future is bright. 

Mrs. McDonell


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