Grateful for This Blue Door

I am grateful for this blue door.

While the business has changed over the years, this is the door to my first doctor's office. At 3 months old my mom was informed that I had a major hip issue and needed to wear leg braces. She was devastated at the time, and I can only imagine the fearful thoughts she had. The doctor reassured her and told her that if she followed the directions completely I would have an excellent chance of walking well after 9 months old. Sure enough, he was right. According to my mom I walked at 9 months.

It is scary to think about what could have been. I am extremely grateful that she chose to follow these guidelines. She had a lot of courage and I am sure there were days that it was not easy. I realized this needed to be one of my doors when we were out to dinner last night in my hometown. I paused by this door thinking about how different my life could be. As a 36-time marathon runner, and aspiring triathlete I am eternally grateful for the medical care I had, the doctor's vision and the Faith my parents had.

One of my big "whys" is to show my kids what is possible. This door represented what was possible in the late 70's and early 80's. What is possible for me today might be very different had the doctor or my parents made different choices. I cannot help but feel so grateful.


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