Personal Finance

January Goals:  Be engaged in the finances

Action steps:  Monthly meeting 
We took a new approach:  Done: (January 1st) look at everything, set up Every Dollar App from 
Dave Ramsey

It is good to see the breakdown, what goals we have, and it was really exciting to see everything on paper. I loved knowing that we can do some really great things with money this month. I was honestly surprised about how much we had to work with, but I was equally surprised about how quickly things add up! I am curious to see how much I like the app and how the month goes.  Either way, I will meet this goal because the focus is not on a number, but on my engagement in the process of budgeting, talking about money, saving, and seeing the big picture.  

January 3:  The Dave Ramsey Every Dollar App is great so far. I enjoy the process of typing in a purchase and what it feels like to be organized knowing what I have spent and what I have remaining.  Every now and then I get nervous since the money has to cover the entire month rather than the week (what we were doing before).  But, I use the mantra based on my #oneword2023, Which is that I have More than Enough.

February 19:  It is exciting!  The budget plans are going well. We met the budger easily for the month of January. The cool thing was how much money we had! I felt like really paying attention to it made a difference! So we are 10 days from meeting month two!  I have been able to do some great things with money these last two months and am excited about what I am spending money on!  

There is part of me that considers a side hustle: I feel like I should be doing something else to generate extra money, so I am working on that. Maybe I can write?  I do not want to take on too much since I have a full time job of course, and am a full time mom! 



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